Rs. 1,999.00 Rs. 1,499.00
Introducing Diabacure Capsule by Ratna Ayurveda:
Manage Blood Sugar the Ayurvedic Way :-
Diabacure capsule is formulated with plant-based extract (phytochemicals). It is made with a vegan capsule, which is made up of plant-based cellulose that does not contain any type of harmful chemicals, or any artificial flavoring agents. It is helpful in lowering the blood glucose level. Lowering Blood Glucode Level
Relief in excessive thirst
Relief in numbness
Relief in urination
Inside Diabacure capsule: Krela
Of Diabacure Capsule:
Diabacure Herbal Capsule provides relief in urination and effectively controls rising blood sugar levels. This scientifically formulated supplement reduces frequent urination, excessive thirst, numbness, and debility, helping to improve overall health.
It helps in control the rising Normal Blood SUGAR Level. It gives relief in frequent urination (Polyurea), excessive thirst, numbness, debility and other health issues associated with diabetes. Mouth dryness.
It helps in control the rising Normal Blood SUGAR Level. It gives relief in frequent urination (Polyurea), excessive thirst, numbness, debility and other health issues.
It helps in control the rising Normal Blood SUGAR Level. It gives relief in frequent urination (Polyurea), excessive thirst, numbness, debility and other health issues.
Order Now
Being a natural and safe GMP certified Ayurvedic product, DIABACURE Capsule helps you with Diabetes, insulin resistance, and balancing blood sugar level.
It is a herbal supplement that can be used in the prevention and treatment of Prameha (Diabetes), Ikshumeha (Glycosuria), Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus), Bahumutrata (Polyurea), Nadidaurbalya (nervous weakness).
Each bottle of DIABACURE contains 60 patented Ayurvedic capsules made from pure herbs and do not contain any chemicals.
Each 600 mg capsules contains:
GET RELIEF from Diabetes, Prevent Kidney & Retina Damage !!
& Safe
GET RELIEF from Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes.